
Human Resources

What We Do

Human Resources provides centralized support to the City’s management staff, employees and City Council in the areas of labor and employee relations, employee training/development, health/safety, recruitment/selection, compensation/classification and employee benefits/payroll administration.

Human Resources goals are to ensure compliance with all applicable labor laws and provide a work environment that is conducive to professionalism and high quality performance, while providing upward mobility and career opportunity advancement based on merit and job performance.


The Human Resources Department is located in the Municipal Complex, 1255 Yeamans Hall Road, Hanahan, SC  29410. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please send any inquiries or questions to the Human Resources office at (843) 576-5252.

Staff Contact

Human Resources Director
(843) 576-5252
Human Resources & Payroll Clerk
(843) 576-5252