Bids, RFPs & RFQs
Current Bids, RFPs & RFQs
The Procurement Department publicly lists all current bids, (IFB) Invitation for Bid, Requests for Proposals (RFPs), and Requests for Qualifications (RFQs).
Note on Bid Opportunities
The posting of bid opportunities is no guarantee of an award to a contract. The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to accept, reject or cancel in part, or in entirety, any or all submissions. In addition, the City reserves the right to reissue, terminate, restructure, or amend the solicitation and/or procurement process, at any time. Once a bidder downloads a solicitation and proceeds to bid, it is each bidders responsibility to review all governing terms and conditions, submit complete and accurate bid responses in the proper format, and to periodically check the site for updates and/or addendums.
Vendor Notification of Opportunities
To receive notification about business opportunities with the city; the vendor application must be completed.
Register your company by clicking the link below:
View current bids at DemandStar using this link:
Surplus Sales
The City lists all surplus dead lined items and equipment for sale on GovDeals. GovDeals is an online auction service for governments to auction all excess items including City vehicles, property seized through drug enforcement efforts, and other items.