Mayor & City Council

City Council
About Us
The City of Hanahan City Council is composed of the Mayor and six (6) Council members vested with the legislative authority of the city’s municipal government.
The City Council carries out its duties in accordance with the City Ordinances and the laws of the State of South Carolina.
As the legislative branch, the City Council is primarily responsible for making laws, which govern the City of Hanahan and proposes, debates, and votes on legislation governing and/or affecting the city.
The City Council also regulates revenues and expenditures, incurs debt and approves the final operating and capital budgets for the city.
Each Council member serves a term of 4 years. By law, a Council member must be: 21 years of age; a resident of the City; registered and qualified to vote in elections in Berkeley County.
To contact the entire City Council, please email:
CityCouncilAll [at] cityofhanahan.com (CityCouncilAll[at]cityofhanahan[dot]com)
City of Hanahan
1255 Yeamans Hall Road
Hanahan, SC 29410