Message From The Fire Chief

Portrait of Fire Chief Norman Hritz

I have the honor and privilege of being the Fire Chief of this great department and am grateful for all of the support given to me from both members of the department and the public. On behalf of the dedicated men and women of the Hanahan Fire Department, I would like to say welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit our website to learn more about our department.

Since 1949, we have been working to keep the citizens, businesses, and visitors to our community safe. We accomplish this through focusing on the mission first and applying our core values in all we do to enable us to reach our vision of becoming the fire department that provides the very best fire protection and EMS care in Berkeley County. This is brought to pass through the success of our people and with a focus on creating a department that has equality. We hold ourselves to a standard of taking pride in all we do, conducting ourselves with a high degree of professionalism, being proficient in our delivery of service, and finally remaining personally accountable for our actions.

We consider ourselves fortunate to have the support of our citizens and elected leaders, as they remain committed to providing us with modern equipment, “state of the art” training and functional facilities. Our department provides the most cost efficient and effective emergency service to our citizens and one that the community can take pride in knowing that the dedicated men and women of the Hanahan Fire Department stand at the ready to respond in any time of need.

I invite you and your family to learn more about the Hanahan Fire Department and the services we provide. Should time allow, we also invite you to visit any of our three fire stations. In closing, the men and women of the Hanahan Fire Department are proud to provide a tradition of excellent public safety service to the residents of the city of Hanahan. If you’d like to comment on or inquire about any of the services that we provide, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at and please feel free to browse all the sections of the new website.

Thanks, and stay safe.

Norman M. Hritz II

Fire Chief