Hanahan 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Hanahan 2040


A Comprehensive Plan provides a blueprint for the City’s future.  All jurisdictions with land use regulations are required by the State of South Carolina to have a comprehensive plan that is reviewed and validated every five years, then fully updated every ten years. Below review of the current update.

Developed by the City’s Planning Commission based on data trends and public input, comprehensive plans like Hanahan 2040: Pathway to the Future provides a framework of goals, along with policies and implementation strategies to achieve those goals.

During the plan’s development, the Planning Commission evaluated how specific elements of life in Hanahan and how have changed over the past 10 years, compared recent demographic trends to historical data, anticipated growth, and formulated a shared community vision for the city’s future.

Elements of Comprehensive Plan:

  • Population
  • Housing
  • Economic Development
  • Natural Resources
  • Resiliency
  • Cultural Resources
  • Community Facilities
  • Transportation
  • Land Use
  • Priority Investments

A copy of the Hanahan 2040 Comprehensive Plan is attached below.

Please click this link to learn more: Hanahan 2040 Comprehensive Plan