


The Hanahan Recreation Department offers dance classes of various dance styles for girls and boys ages 3 through 17.

Classes offered are Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, and Pointe. 


Class Descriptions:

Ballet and Tap:

  • Stretching and beginner-level tumbling
  • Ballet barré exercises and floor exercises
  • Tap floor exercises
  • Routines for performances and recital


Ballet, Tap, and Jazz

  • Stretching and beginner-level tumbling
  • Ballet barré exercises and floor exercises
  • Tap floor exercises
  • Jazz floor exercises
  • Routines for performances and recital


Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, and Hip Hop

  • Stretching and occasional tumbling
  • Ballet barré exercises and floor exercises
  • Tap floor exercises
  • Jazz floor exercises
  • Lyrical and hip hop combinations
  • Routines for performances and recital



  • Intermediate/advanced ballet for ages 12+
  • Ballet barré exercises and floor exercises en pointe
  • Routine for recital


The Hawks Nest Multipurpose Room
1177 Williams Ln. Hanahan, SC 29410



$55.00 per month (3 - 4 yr. old)  to be paid through Hanahan Recreation Department.

$60.00 per month (5 - 17 yr. old) to be paid through Hanahan Recreation Department.

$75.00 per month if Pointe is added to the regular curriculum. (Instructor Recommended) 


Class Times: 


4:30-5:15: Ballet and Tap (Ages 3 and 4)

5:15-6:15:  Ballet and Tap (Ages 5 and 6)

6:15-7:15: Ballet, Tap, and Jazz (Ages 7 and 8)

7:15 - 8:15 Ballet, Tap, and Jazz (Ages 9 and 10)



 4:30-5:30: Ballet, Tap, and Jazz (Ages 11 and 12)

 5:30-7:00: Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, and Hip Hop (Ages 13+)

 7:00-7:30: Pointe (Ages 12+ and must have permission from instructor)


**Please note that all payments are due by the 15th of each month and a card on your rec desk profile is required for the recreation department to collect payment. Removals from the program must be done via email at christopher.fordham [at] (christopher[dot]fordham[at]cityofhanahan[dot]com) by the 1st of the month to avoid that month's tuition.**

To register, please use our registration portal