
Youth Baseball



  • The Hanahan Recreation Department Baseball is sanctioned through Diamond Youth Baseball Inc.
  • Registration fees are $40 for residents and $65 for non-residents (provided neither state nor national affiliations have rules against non-resident registration).
  • Upon registration, participants birth certificate is required.
  • T-shirt and hats are provided with registration fees.  Participants provide their bat, helmet, glove, pants, and cleats.
  • Spring registration begins in January.  Fall registration begins in May.

Age Groups

Birth Date Cutoff is April 30th. Fall registration age cut-off is the following April 30th.

Age Groups Chart
Groups Ages


T-Ball 4*-5* (Must be 4 by 3/1/2024)
Modified T-Ball 6        (By 4/30/2024)
Coach Pitch 7-8
Dixie Minor 9-10
Dixie Major 11-12
Dixie Boys 13-14

*Must be 4 years of age by March 1st.
**T-Ball is offered in Spring only.



Registration is only accepted at the available registration dates.  You may register online by visiting our Registration Portal. To register in person, you may visit the Recreation and Parks Administrative Office at 3100 Mabeline Road, Hanahan, SC 29410